Monday 14 November 2011

internet moodswings

so hey everyone yes im back, so sorry for the long wait but come on the stupid internet at my house was having mood swings, anyway i have done alot over the short time and after so long here it is,

firstly this is a postcard i sent in response to one my sister sent to me from her university, she is going to birmingham city university, anyway i used chalk pastels and made a cupcake too far to the right and when i looked at it the left felt empty so i went through pictures of prabhjots work and found some really awesome designs.

so this is a box for a birthday girl, it has a lot of work on it for example

 this giant doily flower next to a cute arabesque deco inspired one.
the black painted flower on the lower right hand side
 these cute little buttons that i will soon put up a tutorial for with the flowers
 and the victorian flowers put on the box and covered with clear nail polish

now i found this card after so long and the pictures i took were kinda terrible but it was a card of amy winehouse but i dont know what i made it for but still
 observe the lindt chocolate wrappers i painted with polka dots

the signature beehive

so this was kinda awesome to find after a while i just wish i had taken better photographs of it

okay that's all for now but i still have a lot to show you guys so i will try to post the rest before next week so ttyl

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